
Monday, March 15, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

This week I am on vacation so no packing dinners up while everyone else eats something homemade! Hurray!

Monday- out to dinner for Madeline's birthday

Tuesday- chicken stir fry from leftover chicken from Sunday (had a last minute menu change on Sunday, but the chicken was in the freezer so it didn't add to my budget at all!) and whatever vegetables I have in the fridge and freezer

Wednesday- brinner

Thursday- blts for Jon and I, grilled cheese with bacon for the kids

Friday- chicken parmesian- making two batches, one to eat and one to freeze

Saturday- kielbasa on the grill and veggies for Jon and the kids, Moms Night Out for me!

Sunday- ribs either in the crockpot or on the grill depending on the weather.

Most everything is from the freezer and pantry so it will be a smaller shopping trip this week. This is good because we did a mini BJ's run on Friday and need to do a larger stockpile before the end of the month. Small shopping weeks help me to balance out the spending on the larger stockpile weeks.

Visit I'm An Organizing Junkie for more Menus!

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