
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

30 Day Challenge

I'll be honest and say I simply don't like to exercise.  Not an easy thing to admit.  I don't know if it's all exercise or that I simply haven't found the exercise I do enjoy.  And while I know the benefits to a healthier lifestyle I also don't see many differences in myself when I am being good about making time to exercise and when I'm not.  And when I should be exercising there always seems to be something that needs to be done that is a better use of my time, and that something is usually for someone else. 

Another truth is that I have been trying to exercise more often because I know it is good for me.  And I want to be a good role model for my kids.  So over last summer I saved a little and bought a used treadmill off of craigslist.  In our old house there was honestly no room for one but here we have half a basement that isn't being used for anything other than storage (the other half is the playroom).  I saved up and bought a treadmill.   I have spells of not using it at all (over the winter there were a few periods where it wasn't used at all)  but overall I exercise more with it than I did before buying it for the simple reason that with it in my basement I have very little excuses not to.   

And now I am trying a 30 day challenge.  My stomach is not what it used to be, after four kids that is to be expected.  And honestly if a soft tummy is the price I pay for having four kids I'll willingly pay it.  But I think I can do better than I have been and I know it can be flatter and toner than it is right now.  Walking (not running, I don't like to run) isn't toning my abdominal muscles, and even though I am down five pounds there isn't a noticeable difference in that area.  I know toning exercises are needed but I haven't had the drive.  But now with summer around the corner (and we are already having bathing suit weather) there was incentive to make time for more exercise.  Vanity can be a motivator, I accept it. 

Yesterday morning I saw a challenge on Facebook and looked up the website.  30 Day Fitness Challenge has several challenges to choose from.  I asked Jon to join me in the 30-day abs challenge and we started last night.  I asked him to join for a few reasons.  One is that misery loves company.  Another reason is that we can compete against each other and a little healthy competition is fun. And the other is that when I am tired he will push me and motivate me to do it, he won't let me give up easily.  I will do the same for him.   

I don't know how well I will do in the beginning but the fact that this builds up gradually will help me to succeed. If it helps I will be motivated to continue.  I am eyeing a few of the other challenges (the plank challenge and the triceps challenge caught my eye) but I am being realistic and starting with one challenge.  In addition to walking the kids to school and hopping on the treadmill a few times a week I will get more exercise in, and hopefully develop a good habit(unlike my soda habit which is not a good habit).

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