
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fourth of July Cafts

Today we had some extra time before running errands and I asked big rugrat if she wanted to make a craft. She LOVES to do this kind of thing, especially when it involves markers. We made fireworks a fun activity I found at No Time For Flashcards by way of Craft Crow. I was looking for some fun things to do last night and stumbled into this. I found I had all of the necessary ingredients- cupcake liners, markers, glitter glue, black construction paper and glue- so we made them. They came out adorable and big rugrat was super proud of them.

I found another craft at DLTK kids that invloved cutting, but bug rugrat is not having an easy time with scissors. I try to help her and that makers her even more frusterated. I am caught because I don't want to learn the incorrect way (becuase reteaching is NOT fun) but I don't want her to start to hate it.

Tomorrow we will do a fireworks craft that I found in Parenting magazine. Anything involving glitter and glue is a highlight with my kid!

My car started making funny noises today. Jon is outside underneath it now trying to figure out what is wrong and if we can still go to Maine this weekend. I will be sooooooooo dissapointed if we can't, but these things happen!

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