
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Extreme Makeover- Me Edition

This week's question: What are your successes this week?
My successes were few, but I did have some.
1. Switched to diet soda for a couple of weeks to see if it does make a difference.
2. I have not eaten ice cream in three days!
3. Eating breakfast.
4. Walking each day, sometimes twice a day.
5. Dusting off that old exercise DVD!! Only once and for 30 minutes, but I did it! And wow am I feeling some muscles I forgot about.
Due to some issues I have not been eating as much. I lost two pounds because of it, but I fully expect to gain it back. There is a chance that the DVD and walking will help me keep it off, but I lost weight from not wanting to eat, not from eating in a healthy manner.
Thanks Amber for hosting!

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