
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Last week we did really well sticking to our meal plan. The only exception was Friday. I had orginally planned on making crockpot ribs but due to my husband's stomach bug (which we think was due to something he ate since no one else has gotten sick)I opted to hold off on them. Instead we looked in the cabinets and made grilled cheese, soup and fruit slices.

This week I am trying a few meals that I found in the past few weeks while reading other menu plans. This is also my first week back to work after over a month off (I work at a college and I have their semester break plus two weeks since the center I work in is closed the first and last week of each semester) and that will factor into what I plan for Mondays (for Jon to cook) and Thursdays (for our babysitter)

Monday- crockpot ribs (I can make them before I leave at 1:30), rice and veggies. I will either bring a sandwich to work or eat when I get home since I am home by 7.

Tuesday- enchiladas (new recipe!)

Wednesday- pizza braid (another new recipe!) and salad

Thursday- fish sticks, fruit slices, carrot sticks and yogurt for the kids, sandwiches for Jon and I (we don't get home until 9 on Thursdays)

Friday- lasagna from the freezer (my mom made it and dropped if off last week) and veggies

Saturday- brinner (most people call it breakfast for dinner, but thanks to Scrubs it was renamed in my house) scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and fruit cocktail

Sunday- blts for Jon and I, grilled cheese with bacon for the kids and vegetables

Whenever I say veggies I just mean I am going to reach into my freezer and grab a bag of frozen vegetables that looks good that night. I buy them when they are $1 a bag and stockpile. We eat about 1/2 a bag at each meal. I have an extra freezer so when the bags are on sale I buy between 5 and 10 depending on my stash at the time. We tend to stick to green beans, corn, broccoli, peas and mixed veggies.

For more meal plans visit I'm An Organizing Junkie

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