
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Grocery Cart Challenge Contest

I was reading a another blog tonight and I found out about this AWESOME challenge sponsored by All You. They are challenging people to spend only $25 per person in their family each week on their groceries for four weeks. The prizes are awesome. I talked to Jon and we decided what do we have to lose? We already stay under $100 a week (and it is AFTER his birthday party this weekend). The only downfall is that eating out counts towards your total and we are heading out of town during the final four days of the contest. Eating during vacation always hurts my budget, but maybe this is a good thing and will challenge me to find ways to eat while away on vacation without spending a bundle!
Part of what you are judged on is creativity. I don't think I am particularly creative when it comes to our menu, but then again I try not to serve the same meals over and over and over (although we do have a few staples). Maybe this will also challenge me to be more creative in my menu planning while staying in my budget.

If you are interested in joining the challenge go to All You Grocery Cart Challenge Sign Up

You can also register to recieve two trial issues of All You magazine free.

Wish me luck!

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