This is my first full week of doing extreme makeover: me edition. This week Amber asked us what inspires us.
There are a few things that inspire me. One is my mom. She is 51 and is in better shape than I figure I can ever be. She goes to the gym at least 3 times a week. She walks every day with her dog. She lifts weights and does cardio at the gym. And she was WAY more willpower with eating than I can manage on a good day. If I can be in as good of shape as she is I will be thrilled.
Another thing that inspires me to be healthy is my kids. If I am not trying to exercise and eat right than how can I expect them to be healthy? I want to be healthy for myself, but I also want to set a good example for them as well.
I also have to be diligent because of my increased risk of developing diabetes later in life. I had gestational diabetes with both of my pregnancies. Becuase of that I have a much higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes as I get older. Exercising and developing healthy eating habits now is extra important to me. I want to be healthy for my kids and Jon as I get older.
The final thing that inspires me is how I feel when I am eating right and exercising. I feel better about myself which makes me happier. I also am more fun to be around and Jon likes that as well! I struggle with self esteem and being self conscious, but when I am trying to be healthy I feel less enxious about those things. I think it is because I know I am at least trying to do the right thing, even if I am not at my ideal weight or body image.
This week has not been a great one eating or exercising. I have been pmsing something horrible. During that week of the month I am exhausted. Getting up early to go to the gym is very difficult. I have been better about eating this week that in previous pms weeks, but it is nothing to brag about! The one good thing I have done is go for walks with Jon, the dog and the kids the past few evenings and even this morning with the kids and the dog by myself. I also have been drinking more water which makes me feel better (and pee a lot more!) and is a good idea in the summer anyway.
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