
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Homeschool Time

We have had some trouble with our homeschool schedule this past week. We took Monday off since Jon was home (no school in MA). Tuesday we worked for a solid hour. Then yesterday I had to work in the morning for an hour, but with travel time it took the entire morning. Today the kids slept in and then we had library time. We did some puzzles and read many books this morning, but no letter or number work. Tomorrow we will hopefully get some time in before our playgroup, but if they sleep in again it won't happen. I decided last night to continue next week with the work we were supposed to do this week. My goal was to get through the alphabet before the new baby comes and since we have done 16 letters at a letter a week I think it is safe to say that goal will be accomplished. With numbers we are up to 11, she recognizes 0-11 and can count objects up to 10 ( we are still working on counting to 11). Madeline can count to 20, she just can't count objects that high.

The work we did this week and will continue next week is:
Letter H:
Read "My 'h' sound book"
H printable for our ABC book that she glues clipart to the Hh page after coloring the letters
H and h heart sort- I cut hearts out of pink foam and wrote H on some and h on others. M sits and sorts them into the correct piles.
Hippo size sorting
Hippo cut and paste
Hippo puzzle
Hippo Cutting Practice
Hh letter search
H is for house craft activity
Paint bag- I filled a ziploc bag with tempera paint and Madeline practices drawing the letter in it. Confessions of a Homeschooler uses on as well if you want to see a picture.

Math Skills-
Smallest Object worksheet printed from here
Hippo Pattern Activity
I found this great rpintable activity but lost the link. I printed off two sets of cards, one has the numbers 0-9 (one number per card) and the other has different numbers of dots. Madeline has to count the dots and match it to the correct number. Becuase the dots are large this has really helped with her one-to-one correspondance skills when counting.

We are waiting for our handwriting without tears workbook to come. In the meantime we use foam shapes to build our letters as well as the stamp and see screen that my sil got Madeline for Christmas. I also have tactile cards that I bought on Amazon last year that we trace with our fingers.

Heart file folder game printed from here
Puzzles from our closet
Roll and build games from Play 2 Learn printables
Play Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Practice Hopping

I have a few other projects in the works that may get done for next week, or may get done after that. But as you can see I don't make most of the things up by myself. I am not that creative and I just don't have the time. Plus one thing I have learned is not to re-invent the wheel!

We obviously don't do every activity every day. Some we do each day and others we rotate through. Some activities are only done for a week (usually the letter specific ones) and others will re-appear over a few weeks. My goal is 6-7 activities a day, no more than 1 hour. This time does not include arts and crafts or stories that we read.

Visit some of the blogs and websites where I get my materials from. You will find lots of ideas for things to do with your kids as well!

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