
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Garden Update

Awhile ago on one of my money saving Tuesday posts I talked about having your own garden. We try each year to grow our vegetables in the summer. As you read here I am not blessed with a green thumb. I don't necessarily kill everything I touch, but I am not blessed with the talent of a blooming garden in any way.

From my original list of things to plant in the garden the following have made the transition and are beginning to grow well:


bean plants






The lettuce is planted but not growing yet, the peppers failed miserably (but we will be buying a few plants to add to our garden soon) and the pumpkins are non-existant.

I got out there and weeded the other day, which was quite interesting at 33 weeks pregnant! but it was worth it if my garden grows. My goal is that I will have enough vegetables out of my garden that I can not only decrease my grocery bill but also try my hand at freezing and canning this year.

Here are some not-so-great pictures of the plants before I got them into the garden. The beans grew the best and the tomatos did pretty well. So far nothing that was transferred outside is dying!


Shelby said...

A great easy way for starter plants is also ice trays from the $ store. They are easy to water and move until you transplant. Good luck! We have checked ours and found 9 green beans already!

Tired Mom Tésa said...

Looks like you will have a great garden this year! We tried to start some seeds and they did well, but it kept freezing here and we couldn't get them in the ground before they wilted.

Good luck and keep us updated!