We love yogurt in my house and one of our favorite brands is Stonyfield. I rotate between buying hte small individual cups and the larege 32 ounce containers depending on prices and how much yogurt I think we will eat that week. When my kids were younger I bought the YoBaby yogurt for them because I liked that it was made with whole milk as well as being organic. Recently I learned that Stonyfield yogurt is changing the packaging of there YoBaby yogurts. Rather than come in packs of six they are now coming in packs of four which will allow buyers to mix and match their flavors. The new packaging wll be on store shelves in late July or early August.
To celebrate the new packaging size they offered to do a giveaway for my readers. One reader will recieve 5 four pack coupons, a YoBaby tote bag and a YoBaby bib. If you would like to this prize you can enter by doing the following:
Leave a comment telling me your child's favorite flavor of Stonyfield yogurt (1 entry)
Become a follower. If you are a follower then leave me a comment telling me that. (1 entry)
Write about this giveaway on your blog, leave a comment telling me about it and include the link in your comment (1 entry)
The winner will be chosen on July 31. Please leave your email address in the comments if you don't have a blog so that I can contact you!
(This contest is open only to residents of the United States.)
Banana! Yum!
I am a follower. :)
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