This week Kenz at All the Weigh is hosting FMM. I have visited Kenz's blog many times through FMM and I love her posts.
This week's topic is a back to basics get to know you. So get to know me!
I like....sleep. yes everyone likes sleep, but no one likes sleep like the mom of a 2 month old who has learned to sleep through the night. I am really liking sleep right now!!!
I don't (or whine) and beer. I have tried many different kinds and no matter what I still come back to the same conclusion- I don't like the taste. So hand me a girly drink and call me an expeinsive date at the bar (at least my husband does!)
I kiddos and my wonderful husband Jon
I dream of...being the kind of mom my kids like when they are adults
I wonder...if I will have a fourth kid. yeah, yeah I just had my third 2 months ago and I am wondering about a fourth. It has been on my mind probably becuase I have a newborn, if I will have four like I once thought I would.
I know...going back to work next week is going to be hard. I hate leaving my kids but I know the hours I spend at work are necessary and also good for me. I feel like I am using my brain in different ways than when I am at home.
I Maine a few weeks ago. We were there for a week and had a great vacation.
I have....lots of big plans and not enough time for them
I think...I need to change my eating habits and exercise more if I want to get rid of the baby weight
I regret...not working on my weight quicker after Ben was born. In almost 3 months I should have lost more than I have.
I do...need to get myself back on a schedule
I drink...WAY to much soda. I am trying to drink more water.
I wish...I didn't get anxious about so many things. It is a part of ppd that I just can't escape.
I am...a good mother. I am not perfect, but I am good!
I am not...going to forget to tell Jon and the kids that I love them every day.
I make time for myself, even if it is only 30 minutes a day, to exercise.
I graduated...with my master in elementary education and I am so glad I did.
I hope...that my kids will appreciate that I was home with them while the are young, even if it means less material things. I hope Jon and I can teach them what is important.
I get new rugs for my house
I sometimes...get stressed about things that I really don't need to be stressed about.
I always...hug my loved ones
I can...part with some of the baby clothes I have accumulated. Who really needs 40 onsies? (yes I said 40, and that is just onsies, in 0-3 months, not including outfits)
I a mom
I cannot...go a day without something sweet to eat =)
I avoid...telling Jon when I am having a bad day due to ppd in hopes of not putting my stress onto him just before the school year starts.
I will...enjoy my life! It is the only one I get =)
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