
Monday, January 14, 2013

Menu Plan Monday

We I have been good about sticking to our meal plan lately.  And I have been really good about using up leftovers!  It helps to plan in a leftover night every two weeks.  I have found that leftover night every week doesn't work, and there are some in this house (mostly me) who don't really enjoy leftover night. 

This week I am struggling with breakfasts.  Well, overall I am struggling with breakfasts.  Jon is out the door before the kids get up so I am in charge of getting all four fed, dressed and out the door before 8:30.  So breakfast must be easy, involve few dishes and appeal to my kids.  I find myself falling back on cereal since it does all of the above.  But I want to start trying to make breakfast much healthier.  And while cereal certainly is awful it definitely is not the healthiest meal to feed my kiddos each day.  I have been reading through other meal plans, but I am having trouble finding kid-friendly breakfast ideas. Even pinterest is failing me here!

This week's meal plan:

cereal and fruit
bagels, cream cheese, fruit
yogurt and granola
homemade blueberry muffins, yogurt and fruit

Grilled cheese, baby carrots
Macaroni and cheese, apple sauce
Peanut butter and jelly, apple slices
Ham and cheese sandwich, raisins

Monday- Breakfast for dinner, fruit cocktail

Tuesday- Loaded chicken nachos

Wednesday- Chicken chili this is a recipe we have not tried before.  Hopefully the family likes it!

Thursday- Chicken Parmesan, green beans

Friday- Pizza rolls, steamed baby carrots

Saturday- Chicken stir fry

Sunday- Spaghetti with cheese stuffed garlic bread sticks, corn

Linking up with Menu Plan Monday


Jean said...

I struggle with feeding my boys breakfast as well. They leave at different times so that also makes it hard. I like to do cinnamon toast with a glass of milk when I am low on ideas for them.

teachermomof2 said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. I think cereal is a great, easy breakfast for kids and can be healthy if they are eating healthy cereals with low sugar amounts. My kids love pancakes...oatmeal, pumpkin, buttermilk...all homemade on the weekend then frozen and popped in the micro or toaster to reheat on busy mornings.
Great menu!